Titel / Yrke


2013-17 DPhil in Music, Merton College, University of Oxford Dissertation title: ‘Contextualising the Contrafacta of Trouvère Song’. Advisor: Elizabeth Eva Leach. Examiners: Daniel E. O’Sullivan and Christian Leitmeir. Passed with minor corrections, October 2017.

2011-12 MSt Medieval Studies, Merton College, University of Oxford Passed with distinction.

2010-11 Canada Council for the Arts Grant for Professional Musicians Year-long conducting apprenticeship with prof. Kåre Hanken in Oslo, Norway.

2006-10 Honours Bachelor of Arts and Science (B. Arts Sc.), McMaster University, Canada Summa cum laude.


2019-22 Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Vetenskapsrådet) Institutionen för Musikvetenskap, Uppsala University, Sweden.

2018-19 Bernadotte Postdoctoral Research Fellow Institutionen för Musikvetenskap, Uppsala University, Sweden.

2014-16 College Lecturer in Music, St Anne’s and St Hilda’s Colleges, University of Oxford.


2023 Co-authored with Joseph W. Mason: ‘Popular Culture: The Search for Lost Practices’, in Helen Deeming and Elizabeth Eva Leach (eds.), A Cultural History of Music: The Middle Ages (London: Bloomsbury Academic).

2022 ‘Eye, Mouth, and Heart: The Female-Voiced Contrafacta of Can vei la lauzeta mover’, in Anna Kathryn Grau & Lisa Colton (eds.), Female-Voiced Song in the Middle Ages, Brill’s Companions to the Musical Culture of Medieval and Early Modern Europe (Leiden: Brill), 388-421.

2021 ‘When Courtly Song invades History: Lyricising Blanche de Castile’, Rachel May Golden and Katherine Kong (eds.), Gender and Voice in Medieval French Literature and Song (Gainsville: University Press of Florida), 93-120.

2020 ‘Repetition as Rebirth: A Sung Epitaph for Gautier de Coinci’, Music & Letters 101, no. 4, 623-656. (Nominated for the American Musicological Society’s Roland Jackson Award for Outstanding Article in Music Analysis).

2020 ‘Can Melodies be Signs? Contrafacture and Representation in Two Trouvère Songs’, Early Music 48, no. 1, 13-27.


Submitted  ‘Blanche of Castile and the Trouvères’, under peer review at Speculum (19 640 words).

Submitted ‘History as Dreaming: Assembling Time’, under peer review at Rethinking History (7600 words).


2023 ‘Den jamande analysanden’, Divan, trans. Andreas Keller.

2023 Guest and co-designer of the hour-long program “The Trouvères,” on The Early Music Show, BBC Radio 3, London, UK.

2022 Public lecture: ‘Sacred Music before 1400: A Kaleidoscope of Associations’ S:ta Eugenia Church, Stockholm.

2020 ‘Kör, gemenskap och jagets gräns’, trans. Magdalena Dahlborg, Signum, no. 8, 24-27.

2020 ‘Förstelning eller förnyelse? Beethoven 250 år’, trans. Magdalena Dahlborg, Signum, no. 4, 12-16.

2019 ‘En benediktin lyhörd för världen: Gautier de Coincis musikaliska mirakler’, trans. Magdalena Dahlborg, Signum, no. 4, 34-47.


2023 Practical Course in Electronic Music Elektronmusikstudion (EMS), Stockholm

2022 Introductory Course in Electronic Music Elektronmusikstudion (EMS), Stockholm

2021-22 Foundation Course in Psychoanalysis Institute of Psychoanalysis (British Psychoanalytic Society), London, UK

2021 Summer Course in Psychoanalysis Svenska Psykoanalytiska Föreningen, Stockholm

2017 Summer Course in Psychoanalysis Institute of Psychoanalysis (British Psychoanalytic Society), London, UK


2022 ‘The Edges of Reason: Medieval Music, Dreaming, and Rationality’, at the Higher Seminar, Institution för musikvetenskap, Uppsala University (invited).

2021 ‘Song as History, History as Mythmaking: Blanche of Castile in the Trouvère Songbooks’, at the conference Music and Literature in Dante’s Time, Turin, Italy (invited).

2021 ‘What’s in an attribution? Gender and Voice in a Song attributed to Blanche de Castile’, at the Higher Seminar, Institution för musikvetenskap, Uppsala University (invited).

2020 ‘Sovereignty and Bare Life in Two Old French Songs’, at the Higher Seminar, Institution för musikvetenskap, Uppsala University (Invited).

2019 ‘Teaching Machaut’s World: A Roundtable’, at The International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan.

2019 ‘Music and Interdisciplinarity in Medieval Studies: A Roundtable’, at the First Meeting for Early Musicologists in the Nordic Countries, Växjö, Sweden.

2019 ‘Courtly Song Re-made: Political Parodies from thirteenth-century France’, at the Äldretextseminariet, Institutionen för kultur och estetik, University of Stockholm (invited). 2018 ‘Contrafacture and Musical Semiotics: Can Melodies be Signs?’, at the Conference Metapoesis, University of Würzburg (invited).

2018 ‘Trouvère Song in the Ludus super anticlaudianum: Staging the “Secular” within Visions of the Sacred’, at the conference Ars Antiqua III: Music and Culture in Europe, c. 1150-1330, Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini, Lucca, Italy.

2018 ‘Political Song in the Age of Saint Louis’, at the Bernadotte Program workshop, Royal Academy of Letters (Vitterhetsakademien), Stockholm (invited).

2018 ‘Blanche de Castile Lyricised’, at The International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan.

2018 ‘Mourning with the Chastelain de Couci: Music and Meaning in a Self-Reflexive Trouvère Contrafact’, at the conference Trouvères Transposed. Sounding Conversations Between Chansons and Their Relatives, King’s College, University of Cambridge (invited).

2018 ‘Gautier de Coinci and Melodic Association’, at the conference Cantus Planus, Linnéuniversitet, Växjö, Sweden.

2017 ‘Musical Repetition, Rebirth, and Gautier de Coinci’s Return to God’, at the conference The Shape of Return: Progress, Process, and Repetition in Medieval Culture, Institute for Cultural Inquiry, Berlin.

2017 ‘Using the Domna to Dominate: Political Contrafacture in thirteenth-century France’, at the Royal Music Association Annual Conference, University of Liverpool.

2017 ‘Political Contrafacture and Aristocratic Identity in thirteenth-century France’, at the International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds.

2017 ‘The Art of Association: Close Contrafacture in Trouvère Song’, at the Seminar for Medieval Music, University of Würzburg (invited).

2016 ‘Trouvère Song, Political Unrest, and Contrafacture in King Louis IX’s France’, at the Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference (Med-Ren), University of Sheffield.

2015 ‘A Melody Lodged in the Heart: Contextualising Can vei la lauzeta mover and its Contrafacta’, at the Seminar for Medieval and Renaissance Music, All Souls College, University of Oxford (invited).

2015 ‘Kulning and Folklore in Scandinavian Landscapes’, at the conference Hearing Landscape Critically, Harvard University.

2013 ‘Unhappy Dido: Affect in text and image in the Berlin and Heidelberg Manuscripts of Veldeke’s Eneasroman’, at the conference Res gestae – res pictae: Epen-Illustrationen des 13. bis 15. Jahrhunderts, Institute for Art History, University of Vienna.

2012 ‘The Value of Intention in The Revelation of the Monk of Eynsham’, at the Middle High German Seminar, University of Oxford.


2019-22 Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) Project Grant (3 000 000 SEK) • Leader of the project ‘Musica Mapped and Unmapped’, Uppsala University.

2019-21 Riksbankens Jubileumsfond Project Grant (project leader) (2 199 000 SEK) • Leader of the project ‘Musica Mapped and Unmapped’, Uppsala University (declined).

2019-21 Torsten Söderbergs stiftelse Project Grant (250 000 SEK) • For the project ‘Song in the Age of Saint Louis’, Uppsala University.

2018-19 Bernadotte Programme, Royal Musical Academy of Sweden (75 000 SEK) • For the project ‘Song in the Age of Saint Louis’, Uppsala University.

2018 Helge Ax:son Johnsons Foundation (20 000 SEK).

2013-17 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Doctoral Scholarship (80 000 CDN).

2013-16 Clarendon Scholarship, University of Oxford (75 000 GBP).

2014, 2015 Merton College Research Grant (300 GBP) • Awarded twice to support manuscript research at the Vatican Library.

2007-10 McMaster University Senate Scholarship (8000 CDN).


2016 Belle Shenkman Award for the Study of Arts, Canadian Centennial Scholarship Fund, London.

2010 Michael Thomson Prize for Excellence in Languages, McMaster University.


2018-present Co-lecturer, Västerländsk konstmusik (Western art music) (7,5 hp) Institutionen för musikvetenskap Uppsala University

2021-22 Teacher, Allmän musiklära (basic music theory) (7,5 hp) Institutionen för musikvetenskap Uppsala University

2021 Co-lecturer, Fördjupningskurs i musikvetenskap (focused course in Musicology) (7.5 hp) Institutionen för musikvetenskap Uppsala University


Teacher of two undergraduate courses:

(1) Guillaume de Machaut

(2) Medieval Motets

–Co-supervisor of undergraduate dissertations

–Leader of tutorials on research and writing skills

–Co-leader of performance workshops (see Redovisning av pedagogiska meriter).

St. Anne’s and St. Hilda’s Colleges, University of Oxford




2022-23 Co-organiser (with Mikhail Lopatin) of the conference ‘Medieval Dreams, Hallucinations, and Phantasmata: Between Perception and Cognition’, Uppsala University.

2022-23 Member of the organising committee for the conference ‘The Aesthetics of Absence’ at the University of Oslo.

2022-present Safety Officer (Skyddsombudsman), Institutionen för musikvetenskap, Uppsala. 2021-present Board member, Institutionen för musikvetenskap, Uppsala.

2021-22 Organising committee, The Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference (MedRen), Uppsala 2022.

2019-present Editorial Board, Signum cultural magazine, Sweden.

2020 Peer Reviewer, Journal of Musicology.

2017-20 Board Member, International Machaut Society.

2014-15 Undergraduate Admissions Interviewer, St. Anne’s and St. Hilda’s Colleges, University of Oxford.


2019-20 Choir Director and Cantor, St. Lars Church, Uppsala.

2019-20 Interim Conductor, Uppsala Chamber Choir.

2016-17 Artistic Director, Wolfson College Choir and Wolfson Consort, Wolfson College, University of Oxford.

2016-17 Director, Gregory and Augustine Vocal Ensemble, Oxford, UK.

2015-17 Co-director, Sansara Chamber Choir, Oxford/ Winchester/ London, UK.

2015-17 Alto, Choir of St Mary Magdalen Church, Oxford, dir. Will Dawes.

2012-13 Artistic Director, Canticum Chamber Choir, Oslo, Norway.

2010-11/12-13 Soprano, Oslo Chamber Choir, dir. Håkon Daniel Nystedt.

2011-12 Choral Scholar, Choir of Merton College, Oxford, dir. Benjamin Nicholas and Peter Philips 2006-10 Associate Conductor, Hamilton Children’s Choir, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.

2003-10 Organist and choir director, Canadian Martyrs Church, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.


2017 Cloths of Heaven, Sansara Chamber Choir (Convivium Records). Role: co-conductor.

Reviewed with five stars in Choir & Organ (May 1, 2017) and four stars in the Observer (March 5, 2017).
